incana designs

Professional Landscaping in Santa Fe

Incana Designs Inc. is a full-service, four-season landscaping company in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We specialize in planting the right plants in the right places for our high-desert climate, and creating thoughtful, xeric garden spaces to complement your lifestyle. Services include landscape design, installation, irrigation, stonework, planting, and maintenance. We are very hands-on in working with you to create a sustainable, beautiful natural landscape.

 A Word About Our Name: Incana is a botanical Latin word that means silvery grey. Many of our favorite drought-tolerant plants have silvery-grey foliage and are given this species name.

Biography: Steve Barrett has been gardening since the age of four and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture from Virginia Tech. A Santa Fean for nearly 20 years, he has a deep appreciation for Santa Fe's unique aesthetic, growing conditions, and gardening opportunities.